Courageously Here

Embodied Presence mentoring
Book a Discovery Call Now

Sometimes there is a part of us that is terrified of the things we thing we want. We want to be supported but don’t want to be out of control. We want intimacy but are not able to be vulnerable when we are triggered. As women, we have inherited and learned countless ways to protect ourselves which end up separating us from the connection we long for. 

Courageously Here is a 12-week embodied presence 1-1 private mentoring program specifically designed to resolve old patterns that creep up and play out, creating a sense of separation in life and in relationship. My new approach combines years of buddhist study with embodiment tools to root the nervous system in presence and intimacy practices that create authentic and loving connection in relationship with self and other.   Step by step using reflective worksheets, meditations, relationship practice and deep embodied inquiry, the course unlocks and completely opens the love and connection within old patterns of disconnection, shame, resentment and learned fear.

Live freely

Love clearly

On completing the program you will find a fresh and new grounded spaciousness in yourself, deep connection with the earth and spirit and clear ways of expression that meet you and your loved ones in empowerment and love. And it will stick.

What’s in the bag?


12 private 1-1 mentoring sessions with me (75 minutes each)

We will spend time together from the comfort of your home, unpacking your needs and unraveling old patterns. 


Tools and practices for experientially releasing limiting patterns and developing deep embodied connection and clarity.

Practices are embodied and will re-wire your nervous system to be aligned with the ease and openness that is innate to you.


4 guided meditations

Meditations specifically tailored to align your system with the embodied wisdom and connected nature of the Deep Feminine.


8 worksheets for self-reflection and enquiry

Providing you with guidance that you can keep forever.


Unlimited email and messaging support

I will literally be in your back pocket when you need me.

Each minute with Kat is a drop of pure gold to me, gently but surely life-changing. The space that she offers is one of complete permission, total welcome and unconditional kindness. She shows me how to really inhabit my body—it is so much vaster than I allowed. She shows me how to welcome myself with courageous openness and real presence. In that full presence, days become richer, more vivid and amazingly easeful. Responses are more spacious: more space to do what I love, more space to do what I don’t love, more space to welcome what might not be easy or ideal, more space to connect and more space to have fun. More focus and more easeful efficiency. Amazingly, more energy too. No longer needing to avoid, facing everything with more maturity and poise, real honesty and giving myself space to learn and grow. I am so honoured to receive Kat’s gifts, experience, kindness and wisdom. Gaelle

Gaelle, Artist

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